P.E.A.C.E Development Initiative
Economic & Sustainability Initiative
What are the NPA Canada Economic & Sustainability Development Initiatives?
NPA Canada primarily delivers programmes and solutions that shall assist individuals, families in the African Canadian and Canadian communities.
Economic & Sustainability Initiative
The Economic and Sustainability Committee shall focus primarily on business networking and building successful businesses in the import, export, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade sectors, thereby expanding job opportunities within the African Canadian and Canadian community that shall increase employment and increase the income per capita, that shall assist all in improving the lives of individuals and families in the African Canadian and Canadian community towards eventual economic empowerment and sustainability.
NPA Canada shall invite the leading African Canadian and Canadian organizations, community leaders and public officials, that are primarily focused on the development of businesses and jobs for people in the African Canadian and Canadian communities, to sit at our NPA Canada Roundtable to work in unity and collaboration with NPA Canada and our other 5 PEACE development committees to development the aforementioned in order to increase employment, reduce unemployment, increase inclusion, and provide all with better access to Canadian jobs.
The successful implementation and operation of the NPA Canada PEACE development initiatives shall assist the community in the eventual spending of the dollar back into the African Canadian and Canadian communities, thereby awarding NPA Canada, the leading African Canadian and Canadian organizations and the community leaders the opportunity to raise sufficient funds needed to further implement and develop necessary programs and services that shall directly address and resolve pending community problems and issues that exist today, thereby promoting eventual community successes.
Hence, this is exactly how many other Non-African Canadian communities have achieved economic development and sustainability, in order for their communities to become more productive and become more effective, successful communities and citizens that contribute more to our Canadian economy and Canadian national community at large.