National Policy Alliance Canada (NPA Canada) Is The Only NPA Organization Or Chapter Of NPA USA That Exists And Operates Outside Of The United States.
National Policy Alliance Canada (NPA Canada) is a Canadian National Charity/Foundation established to lead and unite African Canadian and Canadian Organizations that are committed to work together in unity and collaboration. NPA Canada creates programs and projects that provide solutions of resolve for important issues and policies that shall support the improvement of the lives of individuals and families in the African Canadian and Canadian Community. NPA Canada initiates and supports cooperative efforts for African Canadian and Canadian political, social, educational and economic development. NPA Canada shall develop and provide local, national and international support, through the sharing of information, opportunities and expertise in business, trade and social relationships, while providing access to training and counselling to the African Canadian leaders and organizations to assist in building bridges between elected officials, government employees and the African Canadian Community and the public that we serve.
National Policy Alliance Canada successfully leads African Canadian and Canadian Organizations at our NPA Canada national roundtable, effectively delivering our PEACE development initiative, assisting to address policies and issues of most importance to the African Canadian and Canadian Community, specifically in the areas of Policy, Education, Advocacy, Community Development and Economic Development and Sustainability.
Much work has been done and there is still much to do. Join and reap the benefits of efforts that preceded your African Canadian organization; roll your sleeves up and move a global effort forward for your African Canadian organization, you, your family and for those who are to come; join in strengthening a united African Canadian organizational voice in Canada and globally.
Our Vision is successfully leading African Canadian and Canadian organizations at our NPA Canada national roundtable.
Pierre Tomiczek, Founding Member; Linda Haithcox Taylor, Executive Director, National Policy Alliance, Washington, DC.; Norma Telfer, Founding Member; Helen Sterling-Clarke, Founding Member; Allister Coward, Executive Director, National Policy Alliance Canada and Founder.
At the National Policy Alliance Canada launch, September 7, 2018.
We effectively deliver our P.E.A.C.E. develop initiatives, addressing policies that are most important to the African Canadian & Canadian community. We deliver targeted programmes and projects through our 5 P.E.A.C.E. development committees that provide direct solutions and resolve to address and fix community issues, thereby leading to improve the quality of life of individuals and families, so we may all focus more directly on the development of productive community businesses and the creation of jobs
Our fundamental commitment is to organizational partnerships. When you put your piece forward, we stand behind you for your support. You will lead. But not alone. In time, the idea you thought no one cared about could take flight with the exposure and support it will receive from NPA Canada and NPA United States, here in Canada; in the US and in time, internationally. In addition, our older sister, the United States and our younger siblings, in Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere will continue to benefit from the work that preceded them, and will have the comfort in knowledge that foundation was made for them, and is therefore likely beneficial for them.
Executive Director, Founder, National Policy Alliance Canada; Chairman of the NPA Canada National Roundtable; Member of the Board of Directors for "The World Conference of Mayors".
Johnny L. Ford is an American politician and mayor of Tuskegee, Alabama, and a former Alabama State Representative. Member of NPA Canada advisory board.
President & CEO, Woman Love Sports Too (WLST); Former Executive Director, NPA USA; Honorary Member of the Board of Directors, NPA Canada.
In Memory of the Late Honourable Mayor Jack C. Sims Mentor and Co-Founder of National Policy Alliance Canada. Vice President; Historic Black Towns and Settlements Alliance, Inc.; Former Vice President of The World Conference of Mayors.